Chiropractic During Pregnancy

ne of the best things that I did for myself and my baby while I was pregnant, was to have regular checkups with my chiropractor.
I have been blessed with four beautiful children, all of which were delivered safely, and whose births went smoothly. If you would like to read about my experiences, you can click on the following links to read about each birth: Baby #1 // Baby #2 // Baby #3 // Baby #4
Best Coilology VapeI attribute the ease of my pregnancies and birth experiences in great part to my regular chiropractic care. As a pregnant women, I was bombarded with a wealth of information and opinions about how I should be taking care of myself and my baby. But the only information that I received about chiropractic care was from my father, who just happened to be (you guessed it!) a chiropractor. [Read more…]
What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Pregnancy and Giving Birth

I originally wrote this post in June of 2013.
I’ve decided to revisit my post and add a few other tidbits of advice.
Here is a list of everything
I wish I knew before pregnancy and giving birth…

Hi, I’m Shannon! I’m a Canadian teacher who is currently on maternity leave. I’ve had four children in the past 5 years, and I blog about my experiences with them, as well as pregnancy, parenting and education. Read more..

Dining with Kids

Let me be the first to say – I love going out for dinner. Who doesn’t? I don’t have to cook or clean up afterwards. Not to mention I can order what I want to eat, and my husband and children can do the same. Yes. I take my kids out to eat. I feel […]
What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Pregnancy and Giving Birth

I originally wrote this post in June of 2013. I’ve decided to revisit my post and add a few other tidbits of advice. Here is a list of everything I wish I knew before pregnancy and giving birth…
To My Daughter – Always Try Your Best

Lately, when you come home from school, we sit at the kitchen table and work on your ‘homework’. It amazes me that you are so excited to come home and work in your workbook. But I love it, and I want to encourage your love of learning. It probably helps that you get one on […]